At alavia we work with our clients, at home and abroad, to develop and implement successful marketing and communication tools. Working in close consultation with our clients, we find individual solutions that put their organisations, companies, brands and products on the right course.
The success story began in 1998, when Elke Möckel and Dirk Dembski founded Textbörse, the forerunner to alavia. For several years, both of them had been working as journalists in various German print and broadcasting media, and, when they first set up the company, they concentrated on working with written text and traditional press work.
Since their business became a limited company in January 1999, they have seen a continual and gradual expansion in the range of their services including, among other things, the acquisition in 2000 of the Düsseldorf-based graphics and DTP services provider, print media. From that time on, Textbörse became more and more recognised as a full service communication agency.
The company was renamed alavia in January 2004, and stands for a comprehensive range of expertise in all aspects of corporate and marketing communication.