Countless examples from daily life demonstrate the power of the brand. Why otherwise, when given the choice of two sports shoes of equal value, do people buy those with the stripes?
The best way to develop brand awareness and awaken emotions quickly among a broad range of people is through straightforward advertising. This does, however, need to be supported by continuous PR activities so that the unique features and character of the brand make a permanent and lasting impression on the consciousness of the target group.
We establish brands at alavia by means of tried-and-tested below-the-line tools and measures. We take special care to get the best possible market positioning in the media; we create events and promotions aimed at particular target groups; we develop sponsorship strategies; and, as well as all that, we use print and online media. Also, for that immediate and indispensable feedback, we organise direct, objective dialogues between clients and target groups and also support the creation of online communities.