The efforts companies make to influence political processes and decisions are not only legitimate, they are also necessary. As the structures in business and society become more and more complicated, politicians rely on information that is to the point, information that will enable them to make informed decisions because they have all the facts.
Political communication has to do with the relationship between businesses on the one hand and between state organisations on the other – locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. We get our customers' issues heard, whenever and wherever it is necessary, by regularly organising exchanges of views with relevant decision makers from politics and society.
The positive image of a company – over and above its own products – and the trust people have in it, have a considerable bearing on the long-term success of that company. So we also advise our clients on how to take social and ecological factors into account in their actions. In other words, we help our clients develop a sense of what is now becoming known as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).