One day, in an internal memo to all staff in a particular company, the following message appeared: “If anything happens that is negative for the company, all outside communication must cease immediately.” The crisis happened and the following headline appeared in the most popular tabloid newspaper in Germany “Child rescued in emergency operation – no comment from X!” This damaged the company’s image for years and brought it close to bankruptcy.
But what can you do when something unanticipated happens that is perceived extremely negatively in the area in which the company operates and by the public in general? Those people who need answers and solutions when a crisis is already upon them will not normally be in a position to stop the avalanche. Yet those who have prepared themselves with a crisis communication plan can avert any serious damage to the company and, by responding appropriately, have a good chance of creating an entirely positive impression.
Crisis communication strategy involves simulating all possible scenarios, and results in a plan that stipulates precisely by whom, and in what situation, a previously defined statement has to be issued. At alavia, we develop custom-made crisis communication plans together with our clients, carry out regular updates with them and, in case of emergency, we are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.