To clear up a popular misunderstanding once and for all, press work is NOT buying advertising space in the media. Press work is characterised by making it possible for the client to have a high-profile presence in the editorial – the cost-free part of the media.
The significance of press work in marketing and corporate communication quickly becomes clear when you compare the investment (the agency fee) against the output, in terms of the number of times either readers, listeners or viewers are reached. In no other way do messages and information come across as efficiently and as widely as through the media. Editorial contributions are also objective and, at the same time, they are well received and have a high degree of credibility.
Yet, in order to achieve a presence in the media, it is necessary to do more than just send out press releases. The greatest asset that the alavia press team has – made up as it is of qualified PR consultants and experienced journalists – is the trust that it has built up with opinion makers in the media world over many years. Our employees know precisely what is important for their editorial colleagues. The best-informed press officers are just as important for us as well-researched information and an excellent knowledge of our customers’ business areas.